Featured, Future leaders, October 18, 2019

Sara Gonzalez – Escape the Ordinary


Sara Gonzalez was in-between her junior and senior years at the University of Texas at Austin when she decided to join the Next Step Connections internship program and head to Bangkok during the summer of 2017.  Her family thought she was completely insane…she had traveled extensively prior to this, but not so far away and not to a place as different as Thailand.

Excitement led to trepidation, even on the plane in Houston, Sara noticed that most of the other passengers were Japanese…and she started to feel out of place and wonder…”Did I do the right thing?”

But…by the end of her experience in Bangkok, she realized that she had grown so much, had learned so much and was feeling like if she were offered a job in Bangkok post-graduation, she would seriously consider going back.  This would have been inconceivable to her just a few weeks earlier.



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