Episode 05 – Kira Bernhard, Rollins College – I Definitely Feel More Independent
Kira Bernhard’s relationship with food is a vitalizing, enriching one. It has also been tumultuous at times. In this episode, she shares a few life stories about her work with food, social media, and future aspirations.
Her blog, Spoonful Delight started off as a way to reconnect with her love for food. Back in high school, Kira recalls how she would stress at the mere sight of food, leading to an eating disorder. She now finds fulfillment in sharing healthy, wholesome food with over 20,000 followers on her blog and Instagram page.
Kira talks about how authenticity truly makes you stand out in the world of social media. She will only promote the brands that she would use herself, and her followers trust her to do that. “Followers follow you for you,” she says.
Currently, she is interning for a social media company called Good Food Made Simple. The story is a charming one: her boss also ran an Instagram page on meal prep, and they connected by talking about food. She has also met many of her followers in real life through her travels.
After graduating with a degree in biochemistry, Kira is looking to become a registered dietician and hopefully become involved in the health business. One thing is for sure though, and it is that food will be a part of her life wherever she goes.
Guest: Kira Bernhard (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kira-bernhard-562756154/)
Host: Michael Waitze (https://michaelwaitzepresents.com/)
Produced by UniGlo (https://uni-glo.org/) in collaboration with Next Step Connections (https://www.nextstepconnections.com/)